Ayer publiqué unos curitas de tocino, y qué poco sabía yo en aquél momento de la tendencia del tocino y que eso solo era la punta del iceberg!
aquí los dejo con una selección de las muchas que encontré
mmmmmm Bacon….
Y si no me creen y dudan de que esto sea solo el principio, debo entonces citar a Homero Simpson
- “(Lisa) “I’m going to become a vegetarian”
(Homer) “Does that mean you’re not going to eat any pork?”
“Yes Dad”
“Dad all those meats come from the same animal”
“Right Lisa, some wonderful, magical animal!”» - “Porkchops and bacon, my two favorite animals.”
- “When you’re in my house you shall do as I do and believe who I believe in. So Bart butter your bacon.”
- “Is it Bacon Day?”
- “Mmmm. Move over, eggs. Bacon just got a new best friend – fudge.”
- “Not again! First you took away my Philly Fudgesteak. And then my Bacon Balls. Then my Whatchamachicken. You monster!”
- Homer: I’ll have the smiley face breakfast special. Uhh, but could you add a bacon nose? Plus bacon hair, bacon mustache, five o’clock shadow made of bacon bits and a bacon body.
Waitress: How about I just shove a pig down your throat?
(Homer looks excited)
Waitress: I was kidding.
Homer: Fine, but the bacon man lives in a bacon house!
Waitress: No he doesn’t! - “[strained] You know that feeling you get when a thousand knives of fire are stabbing you in the heart? I’m having that right now…[normal] Ooh, bacon!”
- “Mmm … bacon”
- “Mmm … unexplained bacon”
Ok esto fue medio freak pero que tal esto?
Ja ja ja! soy fan de la cortina y el reloj!
Buscando donde comprar curitas encontré todos estos productos, no se que me gustó más pero la cortina es sin duda de las favoritas